About the Artisan of Auldstone Masonry, LLC

Brian: The Stone Alchemist

From a young age, Brian was captivated by the stoic beauty of stone. His admiration wasn't just for the materials themselves but for the stories they tell and the histories they hold. With a particular affinity for the timeless allure of medieval Gothic architecture and the sacred serenity of ancient churches, Brian found his calling in stonecrafting. His hands and heart are dedicated to the art of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary, inspired by the enduring charm of "auld" stones—a name that resonates with his Celtic admiration and is now synonymous with excellence in masonry.

The Auldstone Mission

With Auldstone Masonry, Brian's mission is to forge more than just stone structures—it's about creating legacies. With each project, he aims to make his clients fall in love with their homes and spaces anew, crafting each detail with a blend of innovation and time-honored techniques. Auldstone Masonry is about beauty, functionality, and artistry, bringing to life what was once only imagined.

The Craft: A Blend of Vision and Artisanship

Brian's technique is a symphony of traditional masonry and modern vertical artisan methods. He believes in the power of creating what doesn't yet exist, drawing inspiration from the concept of dreams within dreams, as seen in "Inception." With hands that mold and a vision that sees beyond the present, he crafts bespoke pieces that push the boundaries of stonecrafting.

Engagement: Crafting Client Dreams

Working with Brian means embarking on a creative expedition where every stone laid is a step towards realizing your vision. Clients are invited to share their dreams, knowing they will be met with unwavering commitment and expertise. The process is collaborative, transparent, and always exciting.

Community and Environment: Enhancing Ocean Shores, Seabrook, and all of Grays Harbor

Brian's commitment extends beyond individual projects to the broader canvas of Ocean Shores and surrounding areas. Through Auldstone Masonry, he aspires to beautify the community one stone at a time, enhancing natural landscapes and architectural vistas while respecting the delicate balance of the local environment.

The Future: Stone by Stone

Looking ahead, Brian envisions Auldstone Masonry as a beacon of innovation and beauty in stonecrafting. His goal is to continuously inspire and be inspired, advancing his craft to new heights and sharing the wonder of stone artistry with the world.

Commitment to Excellence

At Auldstone Masonry, LLC, our dedication to excellence in craftsmanship is paralleled by our commitment to client trust and adherence to regulatory standards. Our business operates in strict compliance with state and local regulations, proudly bearing the registration number AULDSML774QP.

Our clients are afforded protection and confidence, as we are fully backed by a comprehensive commercial liability insurance policy, ensuring that both property and craftsmanship are well within the scope of protection.

Auldstone Masonry's foundation is built upon a commitment to excellence, integrity, and the assurance of client satisfaction and safety in every unique project we undertake.

From Concept to Creation – We're With You Every Step of the Way.

Residential and Commercial